Wednesday 16 November 2011

Alternate Projects

One thing I've heard discussed is the importance of writers having other projects.  Things they turn to when stuck on whatever their current project is.

My Science-Fiction novel developed out of this.  When stuck on writing Elemental Saga I, I developed ideas for other stories.

This Sci-Fi novel is a reflection on what I love most in Science-Fiction worlds and stories.  Namely, huge fleets of space ships blowing each other up.  The novel doesn't have a name yet, but I'm toying around with something along the lines of Dark Pulsar, so I'll use that for now.

With Elemental Saga I'm trying hard to have a dynamic and interesting cast in an interesting, deep world.  Dark Pulsar takes all that "interesting characters" stuff and tosses it out the window.  This book will be an endless sequences of adrenaline-charged battles.  Think five-kilometre long ships blasting the living snot out of each other.  It's gonna be great.

Interestingly, as I worked on it, I found myself developing the characters, even though I didn't really plan to.  Perhaps this is a good sign: perhaps I am actually incapable of writing totally shallow characters.

It will be short.  It probably won't even be published as a physical book (ebook only).  I don't even know if I'll ever finish it, but it's fun to envision and write.  I've been daydreaming of giant space battles ever since I was...  Seven?  Simply put, I've been thinking about huge spaceships for a long time, and this book is an outlet for that.  It's also a way for me to continue being creative and writing even when I'm stuck on my current project.

Next post: how Video Games shaped my love for Fantasy and Science-Fiction and how it has influenced my writing.

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